Listing update.

25 Jan 2023, 20:16
Listing update Dear all, as you are aware our twitter was taken down due to an age error, as a business we were registered under 13 years old but upon attempting to sign up to twitter blue, our account was flagged and temporarily suspended. I was confident this would be resolved sooner after seeing other pages face the same issue, but it seems twitter support is about as useful as a Tesla in the apocalypse. As we have paid for a large marketing campaign on Twitter already, this is certainly a spanner in the works, and we will give it 2 more days and if by the 27th our account is not restored, we will make a new one and proceed with the 2-3 week listing campaign we have already paid for across twitter. This gives us a new median soft date of the 14th of February. I appreciate this may be frustrating for some, and it is why we have the OTC sale line for anyone who simply cannot or doesn’t want to wait, fair, right? Any assistance required can be forwarded to In other, more exciting news, the project coming onto our decentralised and censorship resistant streaming d’app is picking up a cult following on Twitter and every single one of those Charlies you see will be on our d’app as the Charlie team have some epic content exclusive for our d’app. This will naturally flow into the Chads too, as those are the 3 tokens of this ecosystem, there is no one else here. Along with Crypto Jamie who have been the main sponsor for, for over a month now, and has smashed the Binance live leaderboards and finished number 1 on many occasions. For those following our partners and activity, you’ll know we’re on the cusp of something special here and have some major d’app developments to launch with the token.